šWhat is the CAP ProjectH

CAP is an acronym meaning "Child Assault Prevention."

The CAP Program shows how to protect and empower children from assault--mental, physical and sexual.

The CAP Project began in Columbus, Ohio (USA) in 1978.
Rape prevention activities for women were being held at the "WAR (Women Against Rape)
Rape Instruction Center" there.

When the neighborhood children heard about the rape of a grade-2 girl, they became
terror-stricken and emotionally insecure.

To restore the emotional security, the WAR members developed the archetype of today's
CAP program with cooperation from specialists of various fields

.œ.The Child Assault Prevention is a prevention education program for children
The program focuses on the right of children to be safe, to feel physically and emotionally strong
and to be free to make decisions

šCAP in Japan

1985--Introduced to Japan by Yuri Morita who was tha Training
at that time as the Coordinator of the CAP Training Center of California.

1995 November-- "CAP Specialist-Training" began and many
CAP groups developed in Japan.

1999 December (present)--About 100 CAP groups ( NPO ) are active in Japan, 70
of which are registered groups with CAP Center Japan.

œ Believes in empowerment.

@We recognize that children have wonderful inherent qualities.
@Empowerment means drawing out the inner strength.
Children are not weak things that need protection--they must be empowered.

Key word of ‚b‚`‚o
SAFE  ˆΐS@
@STRONG Ž©M@@
NO! ‚’‚β@GO!  ‚Ι‚°‚ι@TELL  ˜b‚·

CAP WORK SHOP for children

( Sorry,I use pics with Japanese)
@@Trained workshop leaders also provide prevention information as well as crisis intervention to children
who identify themselves as victims of assault or neglect.



I am in safety when Iam
with mother

I am in safety when I am in house
without mother

œProvides children with practical skills while building confidence in their own abilities
to solve problems through a wide range of role-playing settings@


Children don't have safety

we aim to give children the skills to recognize, avoid, and handle abusive situations.
More specifically, children learn how to stand up to bullies, distinguish between safe
and unsafe touches, and understand that abuse is never their fault.

two staff members or volunteers present a series of age-appropriate role-plays to children in individual classes. Together with workshop leaders, children develop strategies to address each situation addressed in the role-plays. Strategies include assertiveness skills (saying "no" in a strong voice or telling a bully "stop it, I donft like that,") and telling a trusted adult about the experience. Upon determination of the most effective strategy for each situation, the role-plays are presented "successfully" in order for the appropriate behavior to be modeled to the children.


œ Provides multiple choices from which the children can choose.


œ Implemented in 12 countries,
@CAP countries include: USA, Canada, Costa Rica, England, Germany, Grand Bahamas, Ireland, Moldova,
@Holland, New Zealand and France@@@@@@@@@@

œ When the community people are able to prevent child assault themselves, the CAP Program will expand on its own accord.


YWCA Rape Crisis Center

NNCC Child Assault Prevention Project



Child Assault Prevention Project

Child Abuse and Neglect Clearinghouse Home Page